In order to export the training analytics of your students, please click on “Export” to download it in a CSV format.
You have the possibility to export data on:
- Your learners who are following a training path
- Your learners who have a Spark License and following courses
1 - If your leaner follow a training path
You can access the Analytics by student by clicking on “Projects”, then Export the data.
Here is the information in detail that you may find in the export:
- Student ID : the ID number of the student in the OpenClassrooms platform (Internal ID to OpenClassrooms).
- Student First Name : the first name that the student has indicated when signing up.
- Student Last Name : the last name that the student has indicated when signing up.
- Student Display Name : the first name and last name that the student has indicated when signing up.
- Student Email : the email address that the student has used to sign up to the platform (it must be the same email address on which he received the invitation - a professional email address).
- Student language : the language of the student’s dashboard.
- Student Profile Picture : the photo that the student has uploaded on his profile.
- Student URL : the link that opens in a new tab on your browser in order to guide you to the student’s dashboard (you will view it as the student does).
- Teams.0.Team ID : the ID number of the first team to which the student belongs.
- Teams.0.Team Name : the name of the first team to which the student belongs.
- Teams.0.Team Language : the language of the team (French of English).
- Path ID : the ID number of the student’s path.
- Path Title : the name/ title of the student’s path.
- Path URL : the link to your student’s path.
- Path Category : the topic of the student’s path.
- Path Illustration : the illustration / thumbnail of the path.
- Actual Path Progression : the progress of the student on his path (in %).
This includes the progress on the projects already approved and the progress of the actual project (declared by the student’s mentor).
- Expected Path Progression : progress expected at this point of the funding period, it is the difference in % between the current progress and the expected progress in the course.
- Path Status : the estimate of progress on the path (according to the validated projects, those remaining to be validated and the time remaining).
You will find five statuses:
- On-track-in-advance : on time with a slight progress
- in-advance : in advance on the path
- On-track-slightly-late : on time with a slight delay
- Late : late on the path
- Critically-late : very late on the path
- Number of validated projects : the number of approved projects by the mentor.
- Total number of projects : the total number of projects to be approved in order for the student to finish his training path.
- Number of training hours : number of training hours done by the student.
- Total number of training hours : the total number of training hours to complete the training path.
- Path Start date : the start date of the training path.
- Path Completion date : the date on which the student completes his training path.
- License start date : the start date on which the OpenClassrooms has been activated by the student.
- License end date : the date of the license deactivation.
2 - If your learner have a Spark license and follow courses
You have 2 options to export the analytics:
- Student data
- Courses take data Le détail des cours suivis
To access the analytics by student, click on “Courses” then export the needed option.
Here is the information in detail that you may find in the export:
2.1. Learner data
- Student ID : the ID number of the student in the OpenClassrooms platform (Internal ID to OpenClassrooms).
- Email : the email address that the student has used to sign up to the platform (it must be the same email address on which he received the invitation - a professional email address).
- Display name : the first name and last name that the student has indicated when signing up
- First name : the first name that the student has indicated when signing up.
- Last name : the last name that the student has indicated when signing up.
- Profile picture : the photo that the student has uploaded on his profile.
- URL : the link that opens in a new tab on your browser in order to guide you to the student’s dashboard (you will view it as the student does).
- Training hours : number of training hours done by the student.
- New courses : the total number of followed courses: in progress and / or completed.
- Followed courses : the number of courses in progress but not completed.
- Completed courses : the number of completed courses.
- Last active course ID : the ID number of the last course on which the student had access (completed a chapter or a portion of the chapter.
- Last active course URL : the URL link of the last course the student accessed and in which he completed a chapter or a portion of the chapter.
- Last active course title : the title of the last course on which the student had access (completed a chapter, or a part of the course)
- Last activity at : date of the student’s last activity on the platform (completed a chapter of a course, a part, or completely completed a course and obtained the certificate). The date is indicated in the following format: Year-Month-Day-Hour-Minutes-Seconds
- : the ID number of the first team to which the student belongs.
- : the name of the first team to which the student belongs.
- Teams.0.language : the language of the first team to which the student belongs (French or English)
2.2. Courses taken data
- ID membre OpenClassrooms : the ID number of the student in the OpenClassrooms platform (Internal ID to OpenClassrooms).
- Prénom : the first name that the student has indicated when signing up.
- Nom : the last name that the student has indicated when signing up.
- Nom complet : the first and last name that the student has indicated when signing up.
- E-mail : the email address that the student has used to sign up to the platform (it must be the same email address on which he received the invitation - a professional email address).
- Langue : the language of the student account on the platform (Français ou Anglais).
- URL tableau de bord : the link that opens in a new tab on your browser in order to guide you to the student’s dashboard (you will view it as the student does).
- Équipes.0.ID équipe : the ID number of the first team to which the student belongs.
- Équipes.0.Nom équipe : the name of the first team to which the student belongs.
- Équipes.0.Langue : the language of the first team to which the student belongs (French or English)
- Équipes.1.ID équipe : the ID number of the second team to which the student belongs.
- Équipes.1.Nom équipe : the name of the second team to which the student belongs.
- Équipes.1.Langue : the language of the second team to which the student belongs (French or English).
- ID cours : the course’s ID number.
- Intitulé cours : the title of the course.
- URL cours : the URL of course followed.
- Thème cours : the topic to which the course taken belongs.
- Difficulté cours : the estimated level of difficulty of the course (Easy, Medium or Hard).
- Durée cours : the estimated duration for course completion, indicated in the following format: PT-number-H.
- Durée cours en heures : the estimated duration to completing a courses, indicated on the following format: Hours, minutes, seconds.
- Temps passé : the time passes on the course, indicated in the following format: PT-nombre-H in hours or PT-nombre-S in seconds.
- Temps passé en heures : the time passes on the course, indicated in the following format: Hours, minutes, seconds.
- Langue cours : the language of the course (French or English)
- Date de début : the date on which the student began following the course.
- Date de complétion : la date à laquelle l’apprenant a complété le cours
- Statut de progression : the progress of the student on the course (in progress, or completed). If no status is displayed, this indicates that the student has not completed any chapters of the course.
- Progression : the percentage of progress on the course.
- Activation de la license : the date on which the learner's license has been activated.
- Fin de la license : the date on which the learner's license will be deactivated.
To process these files in an Excel format, you just need to convert these data to Excel format.
Here is an article to guide you in this manipulation.